Internships SA

National Consumer Commission of South Africa: Graduate Internships 2023 [x6 posts]

National Consumer Commission of South Africa invites South African unemployed graduates to apply for the Internship Programme 2023 / 2024.

Internship Application Closing Date: 01 September 2023

Internship Location: Pretoria Groenkloof, Gauteng

The National Consumer Commission invites South African unemployed graduates to apply for an Internship Programme [x6 posts].

South African unemployed youth graduates between the age of 18-35 and who have not participated in any internship programme in both private and public sectors are invited to apply.

Stipend: R7000.00 per month
Fixed-Term: 24 months

Requirements and Qualifications

Field of Internship and Reference
Complaints & Investigations
Ref: NCC01/08/23

Number of Interns Required

Minimum Qualification Requirement
Matric & Bachelor of Laws/LLB

Brief role in the unit
Attending to consumer complaints and rendering investigation, assessment of products and inspection services to ensure effective enforcement of the Consumer Act in accordance to the NCC priorities.

Field of Internship and Reference
ICT Software Development
Ref: NCC02/08/23

Number of Interns Required

Minimum Qualification Requirement
Matric & NQF Level 6 or Higher in IT/Computer Science (majoring in programming/software

Brief role in the unit
Providing support in the coordination, maintainance and administering ICT Systems for the NCC and development of systems.

Field of Internship and Reference
ICT Networking & ICT Support
Ref: NCC03/08/23

Number of Interns Required

Minimum Qualification Requirement
Matric & NQF Level 5 System Support with
A+/N+ as a Subject/Certification or NQF 6 in IT

Brief role in the unit
Providing support in the coordination, maintainance and administering ICT Systems for the NCC

Field of Internship and Reference
Enforcement & Legal Services
Ref: NCC04/08/23

Number of Interns Required

Minimum Qualification Requirement
Matric & Bachelor of Laws/LLB

Brief role in the unit
Providing support and opinions on litigation and corporate legal services to the NCC and prosecutions on behalf of the NCC.

Total 06

How to apply

Please apply by submitting an application letter, and attach a curriculum vitae, clearly showing that the applicant has never participated in any internship programme, copies of qualification/s( including Matric), certificates, and ID ( or any other supporting documents) quoting the relevant reference number on the application letter to the Director: Human Resources, 01 Dr Lategan Road, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0027.

Applications must be submitted to the following email address, or alternatively post your application to the following address: PO Box 36628, Menlo Park, 0101

For enquiries regarding the advertisement post, please contact Ms Mapheto at 012 428 7742 or Mr Makhuvha at 012 428 7731

Failure to follow the above instructions will lead to the application being disqualified.

The successful candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks, criminal record and qualification checks.

It is the responsibility of the applicants with foreign qualifications to ensure that their qualifications are verified by SAQA.

The NCC is committed to Employment Equity practices, preference will be given to members of the underrepresented groups to achieve the objectives of Employment Equity

Closing Date: 01 September 2023

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

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